Kickstart Support Worker

Fill In the Form for information or a meeting!


If you’re passionate about providing the very best care, we think there’s nowhere better to work than The us. Working as a Professional hourly Carer on a guaranteed hours contract you’ll make a genuine difference to the lives of the people you support. You’ll provide hourly care and companionship at a time when people need it the most and all in the comfort of their own home for short periods of time. This isn’t just work. It’s life changing work.

Please be advised that all job applications must be submitted online . To complete the application process, kindly access the Application Form at the link below and submit it to

Title Kickstart Support Worker
Reports to Care Manager
Salary National Minimum Wage
How to Apply Kickstart Support Worker Jobs from the Kickstart Scheme is open to 16–24-year-olds, who are claiming Universal Credit and are at risk of long-term unemployment. If you have a work coach through universal credit DWP, they will talk to you about the Kickstart Scheme and whether it’s right for you. The candidate will not able to apply directly for this vacancy.

Job Description

We are providing Care Support to enable client to lead as independent a lifestyle as possible. This Support will involve a programme of personal care and household management that is personalised for each Client in the form of a Care Plan. Care support duties will therefore include assisting the service user with either personal care or outreach services and in so doing will at all times observe and respect the service users’ dignity, privacy and independence as far as practical.

Personal care and support: This service involves attending service user’s home and helping them get ready and get out of bed. If service users are unable to get out of bed you will use relevant equipment such as hoist and relevant training will be provided.

Some service users may need help with preparing food, feeding and medication. Training will be provided.

There could be some light domestic duties such as hovering, cleaning, ironing, clearing refuse and rubbish.  Some may need help with making the bed and help with shopping.

Family and children support: Outreach work is working with children who have learning difficulties or challenging behaviours.  This role is to give families a break and additional help. This could range from escorting children from home to school and then school back to home.  Attending family home and helping the families to prepare and get children ready for school/college.

Outreach Support involves a lot of activities which could be at their home or a community setting.  This could range from playing in their garden to taking them out to park, cinema, shopping and eating out.  During the current lockdown a lot of activities were held inside the house and carers spent time with children baking, spending time watching tv/playing computer games.   Some children may also require getting them ready for bed and spending time with them reading bedtime stories.

Some families also require support worker to attend with a medical or any other appointments.


A friendly personality who enjoys working with people and helping people. Willing to work on their own or with other colleagues.

No qualification required but level 1 in English is preferred.

A strong, flexible mental aptitude and an ability to cope with the physical demands of the role.  Due to the nature of the role some flexibility will be required.


25 hours per week, the working hours will be in between 10 am to 6 pm which will be according to the rota. The working pattern is totally flexible from Monday to Sunday.


Monday-Sunday totalling 25 hours per week.  There are some flexibilities and can be discussed at the interview. A fully training will be provided and a senior support worker will be shadowing to kickstart support worker as required.


National Minimum Wage.

Please note: Required all PPE will be provided.

Resources Allotment

Think you could work with us?

Contact us with a CV to arrange an interview!